
Archive for September, 2012

Last month I wrote about ways President Obama could possibly win this next election. This month I’ll write about why he will lose.

Gas prices have doubled in the last four years. Part of that rise is due to Obama’s war on domestic oil production. By refusing to allow the Keystone Pipeline and stymieing offshore drilling, he continues to suppress our ability to fix the energy crisis with our own American resources. Then, after the failure of Qualitative Easing 2 (QE2), the Obama administration has now started QE3, which will keep gas prices high as it weakens the value of the dollar. When you cheapen the dollar, it simply buys less oil on the world market. Americans see the results of these policies at the gas pump and they are not stupid.
Unemployment is still the 500-pound gorilla in the room. Thanks to over-regulation of small business, the oil industry and industry in general, unemployment rates remain high. Obama has created a climate where business owners are afraid to hire or expand thanks to fears of more regulation, higher taxes, and of course Obama Care.

Obamacare, Obama’s flagship legislative accomplishment, remains a primary issue for the next election. Dr. Barbara Bellar, a Candidate for the Illinois State Senate, explained the feelings of many Americans in this one very long sentence:
We’re going to be gifted with a healthcare plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least 10 million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a congress that didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted social security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and financed by a country that’s broke.
So, what the blank could possibly go wrong?

Foreign Policy is one area where some conservatives worried that Obama had successfully pulled the wool over the public’s eyes – until this past week. After four years of apologizing to the world and appeasing terrorist states, Obama’s chickens have come home to roost … sorry, I couldn’t resist. While some obscure video, first posted back in July, may have been the fuse to ignite the violence in the Middle East, the main explosive power of the bomb was the image of weakened resolve and disconnectedness displayed by a President who leads from behind ignoring and abandoning freedom seekers and allies across the globe.
The statement issued by the Embassy in Cairo that only condemned the, “…efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims,” while not condemning the mob, was not a mistake. It was standard procedure for this administration, which has spent the last three and a half years apologizing for the United States rather than lauding American principles of freedom to the world.

Daren Jonescu writing in the American Thinker last week noted that, “In the days following the embassy attack, Secretary Clinton has described a stupid internet movie about Muhammad as “disgusting.” Interestingly, Romney, along with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, used that same word, “disgusting” — to describe Ambassador Stevens’ murder.”

Then, the president’s spokesperson came out and said that these attacks had nothing to do with Obama’s policies, but were spontaneous reactions to the offensive movie. That makes no sense. Apparently, even the rioters recognize what the Obama administration refuses to acknowledge, that the United States Government is the guardian, and therefore the target, of those who would destroy free speech.
Then there is the Bin Laden raid. Even that has backfired for Obama since American’s again have proved smarter than expected and recognize that any President after 9-11 would have made the decision to go after Bin Laden and that the only real danger he faced was political embarrassment if things went wrong. The people who actually killed Ben Laden were hardcore, skilled, anti-terrorists, who made decisions with their lives on the line.

Values will make a difference in this election. Thinking voters will not forget about gay marriage, partial-birth abortion or government mandates on church participation in contraception – need I say more?

The polls change daily and are notoriously wrong. Forget the polls. Instead, consider this. How many people do you know that did not vote for Obama last time but are planning to do so this time? I am betting none. Now, how many people do you know that voted for Obama last time that vow not to make the same mistake again?

When Obama declared that the rise of the seas would cease with his election, some actually believed it. Now that he has failed to deliver, I suspect the political repercussions to be ugly. Not only will Obama lose in November – he will lose big. The American people just aren’t that stupid.

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