
Archive for June, 2014

smug obama

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Founders knew this and created a government that divided power. This purposely inefficient government, they knew, would protect the sovereignty of the people from oppressive, dictatorial rulers.

Over the years, however, the system was degraded as every “crisis” was solved with the government (especially the executive branch) assuming more power. And like a ratchet, the pressure was never released once the crisis ended.

Adding to this already unbalanced increase in executive power, is the tendency of Congress to pass comprehensive/omnibus reform bills which only large bureaucracies can manage and which cede tremendous rule making power to unelected bureaucrats who are unhampered by the checks and balances designed to keep government in line. They then rule efficiently and ruthlessly – declaring new mandates without fear of the next election.

This may have been well and good in the days of George Washington who always put the needs of the country ahead of his own. Today, however, we have an administration where the first consideration is always politics – and this attitude infuses its way down to the lowest bureaucrat. With a weak Congress and a compliant media, there seems to be nothing to protect us from the incompetence, dishonesty and lawlessness of the current administration.

Naturally, the far left, emboldened by the most liberal and powerful executive branch in history, now feels free to advance their brand of morality and thought control in ways never before considered possible – except perhaps by George Orwell.

The very freedom that allowed liberal ideas to flourish in the sixties, and raised one of their own to the presidency, has lost its usefulness. It is now just another outdated idea to be ignored when it gets in the way of advancing the liberal agenda.

Conservative graduation speakers are rejected by school administrators, owners of companies are forced to sell or leave the company, conservative are groups targeted by the IRS – agree or disagree with their views, the implications are chilling. Get in line or be destroyed.

Hillary Clinton, perhaps by accident, clearly stated the perspective of the left at a recent CNN Town Hall, “We cannot let a minority of people, and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people, hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people.”

That view terrorizes me.

The craziness over the 80 year-old Washington Redskins name shows how far this has gone. In this case, a government bureaucracy has rescinded the federal trademark protections for the Redskins because it might be “disparaging to native Americans.”

They did this even though surveys show that 90 percent of Native Americans said they did not consider the term offensive. Eunice Davidson, a Dakota Sioux who lives on the Spirit Lake Reservation in North Dakota said in one article, “It more or less shows that they approve of our history.”

Besides, when was the last time you heard anybody (other than a Dallas fan) use the term Redskins in a derogatory way? There is always someone somewhere who can find offense in anything. We used to laugh at it. Today, the government gets involved and we change the name.

Ben Carson says that political correctness is dangerous because it silences discussion vital to the health of a democratic society.

The Redskins debate is not about offending a protected class – it’s about the left testing its new found political/government muscle to see how far they can go.

This environment of fear is so overwhelming that even people with good intentions will err on the side of political correctness to avoid being labeled as bigots, homophobes, of being on the wrong side of history, or to avoid being targeted by their government for the way they think.

Do you think the loss of the IRS emails is suspicious? Stop being such a partisan hack?

It’s gotten crazy.

But not everyone needs fear. Consider the drama teacher in Washington, who conducted a high school award ceremony that included jokes about priests having sex with children and sex toys? She apologized, and since the crimes are not on the list of liberal causes -all is forgiven. It’s a good thing she didn’t try to have a prayer in class.

There are two ways this current situation might resolve. First, conservatives will bow to the liberal agenda, society will collapse, and then those who have always made society work will re-build from the ashes – just as they have always done.

Or, we can fight back now, fearlessly, for Constitutional government and the rights of the individual. Maybe we can still avoid the whole rising from the ashes thing. Let’s start with the November election and get Congress working again.

And as for the media – We can render them practically irrelevant if we blog, tweet and like, each to our own sphere of friends and family, the truth and the articles that reveal it.

They say people get the government they deserve. Well we deserve better – but only if we are willing to take action.

Or, we can be like the ostrich, bury our head in the sand, and patiently wait on the lion.

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