
Posts Tagged ‘Comey’

Hating Trump, as far as I can tell, must be the primary driving force behind what appears to be a clinical level case of insanity currently sweeping the Democratic Party.

Consider the craziness from the left following the firing of the former FBI director James Comey. What else can explain how a group that only months ago was screaming for his firing, now complains when it’s finally done?


Admittedly, Trump being Trump, did a poor job of releasing the news and taking the action, but that does not make Trump an evil mastermind – it makes him a bad politician – and we already knew he was that.

Predictably, pundits like Bob Schieffer, a leftist apologist at CBS, said the situation reminded him of the conspiracies surrounding the Kennedy assassination.

“This is Nixonian,” said Sen. Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania.

“Not since Watergate have our legal systems been so threatened and our faith in the independence and integrity of those systems so shaken,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut.

The complaints are overblown to the point of insanity – not even considering the hypocrisy.

Conservative journalist Matthew Continetti puts it in perspective,

“Throughout his time in Washington, Comey had managed to annoy no less than three presidents — Bush on surveillance, Obama on law enforcement, Trump on Russia. Bush and Obama worried about the backlash that would ensue if they derailed Comey … Trump has no such hang ups.”

Regardless of whether you believe firing Comey was a good thing, the truth is, the left’s complaints are driven more by their hate for Trump and therefore, anything he does, than it is by the facts of the matter – and that is crazy.

But this is not new stuff from the far left. Demonizing opponents rather than arguing the issues has been their primary tactic for decades.

And now, with a Republican President willing to join them in the melee, the chances of our divided politic doing anything together that is truly meaningful, has about as much chance as there is that Berkeley will invite Rush Limbaugh to be their next commencement speaker.

Only unreasonable hate explains why, according to the far left and the media, everything Trump does or says is wrong. When your best argument is that the other guy is a fascist, homophobic bigot, you cannot afford to let anything pass that might make them appear human.

It seems insane that most of the media ignores an improving economy, reduced illegal immigration, the confirmation of Gorsuch, and a foreign policy that, in comparison to Obama, is not the complete train wreck that many expected.

But we cannot let Republicans completely off the hook either. Is there any doubt, that if Nancy Pelosi came up with a perfect bill that put healthcare back in the hands of the market, insured that everyone got great medical care, while costing the taxpayers nothing – that the Republicans would reject it simply because it came from Pelosi.

This needs to stop.

There has been some small progress. More politicians are running as uniters and some, like Joe Machin, the Democratic Senator from West Virginia, and yes, even Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House, seem to be trying to reach across the aisle and reject hyper- partisanship. Perhaps they are the first to see the frustration of the silent majority – I prefer to believe they are finally doing what’s right.

Pulling back from the abyss of a deeply divided country is not going to be easy or fast. It will take the combined efforts of brave, independent politicians, and a push to action from the people.

Bryant McGill, author, activist, and social entrepreneur writes, “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”

Often, what we discover is that the divide is not as big as we thought.

The vast majority of Americans, on both sides, are good and reasonable people who want what is best for the country. The problem is (thanks to yellow journalism, which seeks the spectacular over the truth) is that the reasonable people are drowned out by those on the fringe who get all the headlines and therefore the larger voice.

We need to stop hating Trump. We need to stop hating Pelosi. Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Listen to understand, take the good from what you hear, and use the truth wherever you find it – despite the partisanship of the politicians and the pundits.

Punchbowl Shelter

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